
Its a mistake to rush into copywriting

Copywriting is one of those activities that requires reflection. The best copywriters do not write a word until they have completed extended study and research about the topic.If it is a product or service that they are writing about, then they work on uncovering every possible benefit and all the separate selling points. It is only then that the actual copywriting commences.And thorough research is rarely done in isolation. Normally, the copywriter needs to talk to all sorts of people including marketing specialists, product managers, and the end users. Before actually beginning the copywriting phase, it is also important to get to know the competitive situation. The advertising for competitive products can be instructive as can competitive websites.In the ideal situation, before copywriting gets underway, the copywriter should try the product or service. Obviously, with some products - like superannuation - this is just not possible, but where it can be done, it's a bonus for the copywriter.Once the research is complete, then a good way to launch into the copywriting is to make a list of all the benefits and the selling points that are compelling.In the early stage of the process, it is also important to focus on the headline. watch repair Most advertising people believe that the headline is responsible Nail Polish for about 80% of response - that's how important it is.Among the proven types of headlines, the following three standout:Ask a question: When you ask a question, you get the reader involved. He or she wants to read on, to see what your answer is. But the actual wording of the question is important. "Are you sick of getting fines at your local library?" It is best if the question hones in the most relevant and most telling benefit that the product or service has to offer.Give a command: Rather than hope that readers do what you want them to do, this approach tells them! Clearly. And boldly. "Give yourself a break, have a BBB coffee today."Testimonial: "Engaging XYZ Engineers in the Harrison Project was a great move for us." George Georges, BHP Billiton. A testimonial headline is great for getting attention. Readers love to see what other people think. It gives your piece more credibility for it is not boasting on your part but an independent third party giving an opinion.Copywriting and letter writingis a craft and like any other craft - like carpentry, for example - it needs to be practiced. But as you practice the craft of copywriting, there are certain guidelines that can help significantly. Doing the research and focusing on the headline are two of these really important copywriting guidelines.

