
Home Based Business Marketing in the 21st Century This Aint The Dinasaur Age

Home Based Business Marketing in the 21st Century.I don't really want to date myself, but what the heck. I got my first real computer in 1981. The last thing I had on my mind at that time was starting a home based business. I was 9 years old and my parents bought me and my brother an IBM PC Junior. It was $2500. Maybe my parents thought, "If I get these guys a computer, maybe, just maybe they will become wealthy using it." All this puppy had was 256KB of RAM and a floppy disk which back in those times was the only drive to store information on. The hard drive was non accessible as it held DOS on it. It was that computer that I learned how to do basic programming on but that was about it. There was no such thing as the Internet back then. There was a gap that went by of about Twenty Years until I bought my next computer and boy did things change in that timeframe. It was the mid 1990's. The Dot com company's had just crashed a few years previous, however it was the beginning of the new age of the Internet. Advertiser's had a new vehicle to reach their audience and the one pay per click era ended as another one started.People have been advertising on the internet for a little over ten years. Every year the Internet morphs into something new and exciting. There have already been fortunes made and fortunes lost. Today, It is only the savvy that survive.You see the game is always changing and unless you stay on top of the trends, unless you are plugged into a community that stays on the cutting edge and you have access to that information, you will end up like all of the other's out there, trying to get their piece of the action by using the social networks to build their business. I have to tell you, nothing bothers me more than someone on myspace or linked in requesting for me to add them and when I do, the first message is something like this, "Hi My name is John, I have an exciting business opportunity for you which is exploding. Get in now as we are in the pre-launch stage." TURN OFF!!First off, pre-launch's are just a marketing ploy. You have no better chance of succeeding in pre-launch than you do a year after launch. Marketing is marketing and for me, it doesnt matter when a company launches, If I want to dominate it and become a top earner in it, I can. Wanna know why? Because I learned how to market and dominate the search engines.There are a few categories of marketers out there, so we will start with the "Beta's", or newbies. They are for the most part concerned with getting the attention of their audience or prospects if you will. They will use crazy headlines like, "Don't join company XXX until you read this Warning!" These people have a ton of clicks to their ads and videos, yet they are totally broke.The "Pre-Alphas" have moved past that stage of the game and have come to realize that once you have get your prospects attention, you need to keep it. One of the best ways to do Iphone 4s Cases that is delivering value. Become a most trusted resource. These are the people that are starting to get it China Wholesale and they are starting to see some results. Finally, the "Alpha Networker", who do an awesome job of both getting and retaining someone's attention, are mostly concerned with protecting the new earned commodity from outside influences and distractions.WHY?Because getting someones attention is not easy. It takes a boat load of work and it's what is very necessary if your gonna build a responsive list of loyal and gracious customers.Home Based Business Marketing in the 21st Century involves a lot of work, especially if your going to be any good at it. You cant treat it like a hobby and it is going to cost you thousands of dollars a year to keep you on the cutting edge as well as keep your systems up and running.When people hear this, they cant believe it. The fact it costs money to run an Internet Business? Hello people, it's business. People dont flinch when they plop down a quarter million to buy some cheesy franchise, but dont take it seriously when they see it costs $20K to get up and running online. That is not in every case, but if you want to make the big bucks online, they buy in is a little higher.You know why people discredit the fact that it is going to cost money to build a serious business online? It's because of all of the hype on the internet. Spammers and Scammers tricking people into thinking they can come online and with no experience pull in $20K their two weeks in business. Can it happen, oh yea it can. Will it happen for most? NOPE.It's like anything else. You get out what you put in, PERIOD. Case Closed.To Your Massive Success,Josh BoxerInternet Marketing Consulting

